After leaving the south of France, I traveled up to St. Andrews to see Chris, who goes to St. Andrews University. Our friends from Pepperdine Alex, Natalie, and Megan also came to meet us there after visiting London. Let me just say that we did our year anniversary of graduating from college right. It was a weekend of college all over again... meeting tons of Chris' (great) friends, going to pubs, polo matches, creepy cult-like rituals that apparently all old English schools have, tea time, eating traditional Scottish meal of haggis and oat cakes, running on the beach, seeing old ruins... I had one of the best weekend with these friends and just seeing a part of Scotland. Thanks Chris for being a fantastic host!

Chris's flat on South Street.

Chris's room - so great! He fit all 4 of us girls in here.

St. Andrews University May 1st ritual (later at 4 a.m. Chris jumped into the ocean... freezing!).

The Quad, St. Andrew's University.

The Lizard - St. Andrews one and only club.

Traditional Scottish meal: oat cakes, potatoes, and haggis (you don't want to know what's in this).

We love our tea time - Bibi's Cafe.

Bibi's Bakery - great cupcakes!

St. Andrews University polo match. Apparently Prince William (former student) was here at some point but we missed him (!).

It's not really Scotland until you hear some bagpipes.
ooo bibi's bakery looks fun! xx