Becca and I went to a Christmas concert at American Church in Paris last Saturday and it was beautiful. I love things like that because they really remind me of what Christmas is all about and put me in a cheery sort of mood. It really is a wonderful church and I have loved going and getting to know some pretty wonderful people there.
On Sunday, we hosted a Christmas dinner party at out apartment. It was great to have everyone here together before we went our separate ways for the holidays. Please note the fabulous snowflakes on the window crafted by our very own Emily Plug.
Also note that Fozzie Plug (Santa) and I coordinated outfits.In other news, IT SNOWED TODAY!!! It started this morning and I was smiling even at 7:30am in freezing cold weather because Paris gave me a little going away Christmas present on the last day before I leave. It was so beautiful... out in Villepreux, the small suburb of Paris where I teach, literally everything was white. My classroom has a
big window and I watched the snow fall all day. Some of the snowflakes were as big as my hand! Lovely.
So I leave tomorrow morning for San Francisco to spend Christmas at
family and just to be home in America for a bit. I love it here, but I do miss the sense of familiarity of home and it will be nice to have that for the next two weeks. Also, I will be in Los Angeles for New Years so everyone should go/stay there :) Can't wait to see you all!
you and fozz look so good together!